Saturday, March 31, 2007

Good Friday

Aunty Beck helps Em get to the wind chimes...

On Good Friday we went to Mum and Dad's place for Mum's home-made hot cross buns - three different kinds this year!! (Oh, and Jared and Emmy loved the new sand in Grandma's sandpit!)

Friday, March 30, 2007

Portrait - March, 2006

We had some family photos taken for a fundraiser...

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Jared & Emmy together...

Jared and Emmy love to play together - especially with the same toys!! They also love wrestling on the floor and other rough games - usually instigated by Emmy! She loves to chase Jared and tackle him!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Emmy at 21 months...

Emmy is just crazy at the moment!! Poor Jared finds her very hard to deal with - she is very fussy and likes everyone to do exactly what she wants them to do - all the time - we are having lots of tantrums!!