Sunday, February 25, 2007

Jared's 3rd Birthday!

Jared had a great 3rd birthday party - everything was about Lightning McQueen - the little red racing car from the Cars movie which Daddy and Jared both love!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Emmy's Big Girl Bed

Emmy has been able to climb out of her cot for a while now - so when she was see-saw-ing every time we put her to sleep we decided to get her a bed...she was so excited she did little happy dances all over the place!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day...

Mum and Dad offered to look after Emmy and Jared while we went to The Hermitage for dinner... Emmy had to wear her Valentine's Day outfit with her 'Ruby Red Dorothy' shoes... see The Food Bog for the dinner photos...

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Emmy at 20 months...

Emmy is still as crazy as ever - she loves to run, jump, climb and yell...
her favourite words are 'apple', 'bee' and 'nooo'!!!