The Coopers' Christmas 'do' was at Uncle Brian and Aunty Jan's place - Emmy was slithering around like a little snake - she started crawling properly two days later...
After church (at St. Thomas') we went to Mum and Dad's place for lunch with the Landles family...the babies were very spoilt! (Emmy had to wear her second Christmas dress after an unforuate incident with the first one...)
Everyone came to our place to celebrate Grandma's birthday - Emmy was in the prime 'help Grandma blow out her candles spot' until a little hand grabbed Grandma and poor Emmy lost her spot!!
Emmy arrived (induced 3 days overdue) on 30th May, 2005. She weighed 8lb 11oz and stared around at everyone with big bright eyes - we all love her sooooo much!!! Here she is at one day old all wrapped up in her snuggly hospital blanket, and again with her 'Oliver' bear at 1 week.
Jared at 14 months old... 1. Where is the baby??? (In the baby's room waiting for the baby) 2. Playing with my little zebra 3. With Daddy - visiting the ducks at Lake Alexandria, Mittagong...just a few days before Emmy was born...